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Post  kiiidenf Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:50 pm

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He acknowledged that he undoubtedly was the person who suggested the resolutions alluded to, tiffany and co outlet and he had not the smallest scruple to admit that the same sentiments that he entertained respecting Mr. Hastings at the time of proposing those resolutions, he entertained at that moment ; but would any one contend that those sentiments went so far as to suppose Mr. Hastings to be a fit object for a criminal prosecution ? The Resolutions went to the recal of Mr. Hastings, a matter which tiffany & co outlet he at the time thought expedient, and had recommended it to the House as a matter of expediency only. He thought the conduct of Mr. Hastings, since the period to which those resolutions referred, not only not criminal, but highly meritorious, and he had for that reason approved of the vote of thanks which the cpurt of directors had conferred upon him. As soon as Mr. Dundas had sat down, Mr. Fox rose, and declared, that he had not the smallest idea of speaking during the course of the debate, tiffany and co outlet nor would he have troubled the House,tiffany and co outlet
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tiffany and co outlet had not some observations fallen from die right honourable and learned gentleman, under which tiffany outlet it was impossible for him to remain a moment silent. The only way in which he could meet the matter, was to oppose assertion to assertion; and to declare upon the word and honour of a gentleman, that if, in talking of the thirtysix writers sent out in 1783, when Sir Henry tiffany on sale Fletcher sat at the head of the board of East India directors, and when he had himself the honour to be in administration, the right honourable and learned gentleman meant to insinuate, that he had been concerned in sending out any, he was completely and perfectly mistaken. In the whole tiffany jewelry outletcourse of his life, he never had sent out, or rather procured to be sent out to India, but one single writer, and that was at the time when the Earl of Shelburne, now Marquis of Lansdown, presided over his majesty's councils.


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Join date : 2011-02-10

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