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Post  kiiidenf Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:46 pm

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as being at the same time the most effectual for the purposes of public justice, and the least exposed to the danger of error: he urged the unavoidable necessity of making the enquiry personal; he asked what would be the sentiments of the miserable and oppressed natives of India, if the result of the proceedings in that House should be to find that enormous peculation existed, but that there was no peculator; that there was grosd corruption, but no person to corrupt, or to be corrupted ; that a torrent of violence, oppression, and cruelty, had neluged that country, but that every soul tiffany & co outlet in it was just, moderate, and humane ?tiffany and co outlet
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tiffany and co outlet To trace peculation to the peculator, corruption to its source, and oppression to the oppressor, had been the object of the researches of the several tiffany and co outlet committees that had been instituted at different times by the House; and the result was, they found that government in India could not be tiffany and co outlet foul and the governor pure. After a speech of considerable length, in which these and maay other topics of the same nature were urged with great force and perspicuity, Mr. Burke concluded, by moving, " That there be laid before the House, copies of all correspondence, since the month of January 1782, between Warren Hastings, Esq., governor general of Bengal, and the court of directors, as well before as since the return of the said governor general, relative to presents and other money privately received by the said governor general." The tiffany jewelry outletreflections thrown out by Mr. Burke, relative to the resolutions of the secret committee, tiffany on sale and the conduct of tiffany outlet Mr. Dundas, called up that gentleman to justify the part he had taken.


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Join date : 2011-02-10

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