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Post  gail Mon May 23, 2011 8:01 pm

Coach Outlet
His right hand thcuand hut bcirg moved and seduced by tire instigation Coach Outlet of the devil; en the _ day of in tho year of tho commonwealth. &c. With force and arms, at the aforesaid, in tho county aforesaid, in and upon ore c. The wire of g. D. In the peace of Coach Purses cod, end thie commonwealth, then aod there being, feloniously, wilfully, and ofhismslice a fcrethought, did make an assault) and that the said a. B. A cer¬tain stone of no value, which he the ssid Coach Bags a. B in his right hand thcuand there liad and held, in and upon the right side ol the head, near the right temple of her the ssid Coach Bags Canada c. Then and there feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did cast and throw; and that the said a. B. With the stone aforesaid, so as aforesaid cast and thrown, the aforesaid c. In aod upon the right side of tbe head, near tbe right temple of her the aaid c. Then and there feloniously, Coach Outlet Canada wilfully, and of his malice afcre thought, did strike, penetrate, and wound, givirg to the aaid c. By tho casting and growing of the stone aforesaid, in upon tho ttght tide of the head, near the right temple, of her the said c. One mortal wound, of the length of one inch, and of the doptk of one inch, of which said mortal wound she the said c. From (fie said day of in the year aforesaid, until the day of the same month of in (lie same vear, at the a ford said, in the county aforesaid, did languish, and languishing did live;on which said day of in the year aforesaid, the said c. At the aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, of the mortal wound aforesaid, died} and so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do say, tliat the said a. D. Her the. Said c. In manner aod for.n atoresaiCoach Factory Outlet Canada late of (he same place, labourer) not having the (ear of god before their eyes, but being moved snd seduced by the inatigatioo of tbe devil, en the day of in tbe year of the commonwealth, fcc. With force and arms, at the aforessid, in the county aioresakl, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice aforethought.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-05-23

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