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Post  kiiidenf Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:38 pm

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The only process that remained, was by the ancient and constitutional mode of impeachment; and even in adopting this proccss he should advise the House to proceed with all possible caution and prudence. It had been usual, he observed, in the first instance, to resolve that the pbrty accused should be impeached, and then to appoint a committee to examine the evidence, and find the articles on which the impeachment was to be founded. This mode of proceeding had, from the heat tiffany jewelry outletand passion with which the minds of men were sometimes apt to tiffany & co outlet be inflamed, led the house, on more than one occasion, into the disgraceful dilemma of either abandoning the tiffany outlet impeachment they had voted, or of preferring articles which they had not evidence to support. In order to steer clear of this tiffany on sale disgrace, he should move that such papers as were necessary for tiffany and co outlet substantiating the guilt of Mr. Hastings, if guilt there was,tiffany and co outlet
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tiffany and co outlet should be laid before the House; and that these papers, together with the charges extracted from them, should be referred to a committee of the whole House, and evidence examined thereon: if the charges should then appear, what he believed they would be found to be, charges of the blackest and foulest nature, and supported by concpetent and sufficient evidence, the House would then proceed with tiffany and co outlet confidence and dignity to the bar of the House or Lords. Having stated these matters with great precision, Mr. Burke went into a series of reflections on the nature of the office he had undertaken. Every accuser, he said, was himself under accusation at the very time he accused another; it behoved him to act upon sure grounds, and he had therefore chosen the line of conduct he had just explained,


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Join date : 2011-02-10

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