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How to making money in 2Moon

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How to making money in 2Moon Empty How to making money in 2Moon

Post  Admin Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:30 pm

There are many ways to make money in cheap 2moons dil but I only introduce the way to how to getting good drops.I will share with you,hope it's helpful to you.

Magic items should generally be sold to merchants as their bonus aren't enough to attract other people. Noble items should only be sold player to player if the extra characteristics are good. The higher the level requirement, the more attention it attracts.The Castor Cave area is accessible via teleport at level 50+ and also via a north west road in Denebe. You can start doing the first floor at level 25 or so but the real xp gets good at around 40. If you want to do the second floor at pre-50 it's a very long run. At 50+ you can teleport to the first floor of castor just outside the second floor entrance from Loa or Braikken Castle.

Generally, don't sell any socket armor below lvl 24 unless you're below that level. People aren't interested in putting good gems in low lvl armor. Try to aim for 3-4 socket armors or weapons that are for higher levels.Having four slots per character for these, a player can enhance their offense or defense capabilities by equipping such items. There are some that wouldn't sell and there are some worth selling. Pretty much for below lvl 30, +14 or lower elemental damage rings are popular. For people higher than that level, they look for +20 and +27 gems. Elemental resistance gems rarely sell player to player so sell them to merchants.

Now this guide is geared towards teaching you how to upgrade your weapons using Gems in 2moons gold. This area of the game plagued me for weeks before I was able to figure it out. I wanted to create a section to help those that are in the same bind that I was. Keep in mind that the system holds true whether its a Gem, Ring, necklace, inherent bonus on blue majic armour, or any other form. The first good comission quest is in Castor Cave and you get it from the comssion vendor in Parka Shrine. Kill 50 Valkyries close the to the entrance of the second floor and return to the commission vendor. I say the first good because you get 147 Adventure Points for this one,several times what the previous offers. Adventure points are donated to level up your guild. At pre-level 50 you can't really farm the quest effeciently as you have to make the long run back and forth but it's worth doing if you are going anyway.

Get past the poison shooting bugs for best results,they are very annoying.Note that Segnales get a bit more benefit out of the curse type gems naturally because we use Curse Damage in some of our spells. The same holds true for other classes that deal a specific type of damage in thier spells.

2moons dil Curse Gems stack with each other when they are added to your weapon. Curse type gems- Curse Mastery does work with curse type gems in a different way when it comes to curse spells. You will see more of an increase in your curse spells when you use curse gems. This is because the +x curse damage gets added in to the spell damage, and then the Curse Mastery comes along and multiplies that damage by its predefined %. This does not hold true for your physical attacks though because if you remember correctly, curse mastery only works on spell damage.

This information was all tested by myself and confirmed by others. Keep in mind a few things though. No one on the 2Moons staff has ever confirmed this to the best of my knowledge. If you find I made an error somewhere, I will have to ask you to please give me concrete proof using the same parameters that I did. I used all the same weapons and they were ALL white without bonuses. All the weapons I used had only the gem appropriate to what I wanted to test inside of it. I used the doors in the temple of nunvice because they have no resistance and no defence and no armour at all.

So the damage you deal is just raw damage based on the games alogrithmic codeing. I recommend buying buy 2moons gold for your characters. If you need them, just contact our customers service. And plz feel free to post your question or threads. Just have a try!


Posts : 86
Join date : 2009-10-26


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