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which would make, in the United States

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which would make, in the United States Empty which would make, in the United States

Post  beeroiry Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:04 am

which would make, in the United States

which MBT Shoes would make, in the United States, 40,000 in a year. And it is the opinion of physicians, that as many more die of diseases which are induced, or aggravated and rendered mortal by the uso of ardent spirit. And to those results, all who make it, sell it, or use it, are accessory It is a principle in law, that the perpetrator of crime and the accessory to it are both guilty, and deserving of punishment. Men have been hanged for the violation of this principle. It applies to the law of God. And as the drunkard cannot go to heaven, can drunkard-makers? Are they not, when tried by the principles of the Bible, in view of the developements of Provi¬dence, manifestly immoral men? men who, for the cake of money, will knowingly be instrumental in corrupting the character, in¬creasing the diseases, and destroying the lives of their fellow-men ? '' But" says one, " I never sell to drunkards; I sell only to sober men." And is that any better? Is it a less evil to the commu¬nity to make drunkards of sober men, than it is to kill drunkards? Ask that widowed mother, Who did her the greatest evil? The man who only killed her drunken husband, or the man who made a drunkard of her only son? Ask those orphan children. Who did them the greatest injury? the man who made their once so¬ber, kind, and affectionate father a drunkard, and thus blasted all their hopes, and turned their home, sweet home, into the em¬blem of hell; or the man who, after they had suffered for years the anguish, the indescribable anguish of the drunkard's chil¬dren, and seen their heart-broken mother in danger of an un¬timely Tory Burch Outlet grave, only killed their drunken father, and thus caused in their habitation, a great calm? Which of these two men brought upon them the greatest evil? Can you doubt? You then do nothing but make drunkards of sober men, or expose them to become such. Suppose that all the evils which you may be instrumental in bringing upon other children, were to come upon your own, and that you were to bear all the anguish which you may occasion; would you have any doubt that the man who would knowingly continue to be accessory to the bringing of these evils upon you, must be a notoriously wicked man? 7. Ardent spirit destroys the soul. Facts in great numbers are now before the public,t which show conclusively that the use of ardent spirit tends strongly to hin¬der the moral and spiritual illumination and purification of men; and thus to prevent their salvation, and bring upon them the hor¬rors of the second death. A disease more dreadful than the cholera, or any other that kills tlie body merely, is raging, and is universal, threatening the endless jdeath of the soul. A remedy is provided, all suffi¬cient, and infinitely efficacious; but the use of ardent spirit aggra¬vates the disease, and with millions and millions prevents the ap¬plication of the remedy, and thus MBT prevents its effect. Great multi¬tudes therefore die the second death, who, were it not for this, might live forever. More than four times as many, in proportion to the number, over wide regions of country, during the past year, have appar¬ently embraced the gospel, and experienced its saving power, from among those who had renounced the use of ardent spirit, as from those who continued to use it. The Committee of the New York State Temperance Society, in view of the peculiar and unprecedented attention to religion which followed the adoption of the plan of abstinence Tory Burch Flats from the use of strong drink, remark, that when this course is taken.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-06-10

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