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cheap 2moons dil her body  Empty cheap 2moons dil her body

Post  Admin Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:45 pm

Moderator helpless, a Zhangju Long's treasure map, I'm afraid to throw out thousands of soon to cause a big melee adventurer, but here are unwanted, almost people still impatient , and casually throw out five million gold coins. Auctioneer with a sigh, the world's poor people and their quality is really too much. "Black" gavel down: 2moons gold "Done! Not a small number of five million gold coins, but the price of gold Ge Hui Zheng has arrived, not gray and no flowers. Victoria looked at him coldly, the relationship between the two never officially degraded to salt is not short incompatible. Ge Zheng did not realize this, also a gold coin for not spending more to buy the things they wanted complacent, this time his smile fell on Victoria's eyes, nature is extremely insignificant, shameless. Victoria coldly said one: mad."Terramere hear clearly in the side, a granddaughter looked surprised, he did sign and Victoria Ge determined to match, but Victoria commented Ge Zheng, Terramere sensitive to smell the gap between the two men had frozen feet. Dean Terramere secretly shook his head: or forget it. He was very wise, "quit." Gully goes on a treasure map on the horizon, the mountains and downs, but not how to look how Zheng Ge is a treasure map, but rather is a different type of alchemical formula. Alchemical formula whether it is not, at least it is a treasure map. Nine unions have been identified through the appraisal division, it can rest assured. A possession of the equation? Ge Zheng from the interest in the hearts of five million, anyway, is not to spend their own money, he did not feel bad. With Ge sign this "wretched" a good example, the next few items go very quickly over a field of office, the highest auction price did not exceed ten million. Although this price is definitely on the mainland's high price, but in the union's annual auction of adventurers meeting.2moons dil Warm-up are not even hardly. When the gavel sounds the seventh was the sound from the transaction, the last one auction dated other people, the host smiled, a ceremony to around quickly: "Thank you cheer." He quickly backed up, followed behind in his place, take seven girls, dropped into the secret door into the back. Much-anticipated number of male biology is about to start the game. Ge Zheng were wondering, these girls are gone, how to play the next time. Next door heard the dwarf fat plump soon swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Ge Zheng endless shaking his head. Suddenly the lights in front of a dark, surrounded by the magic lamp the same time off, a quiet dark. Suddenly, the "bang bang bang" three magic sound of small fireworks shells, a road gorgeous fireworks, colorful tassels under the light shine on the stage wearing a veil for girls, only the most simple personal Xiaoyi on stage. Pay out more in that dark, under the shade of colorful light, the girls have fully matured, but never been picked flies sweet peach flavor exudes the temptation. This time. Ge Zheng heard the sound around a saliva. He had to admit that he almost became a member of the bunch. The magic of the second round of fireworks, the day on top of a lot of attention to the faint light magic. The brightness of the light just right, both remain mysterious, but also make people see that seven pairs of slender straight **, the girls walked on, muscle twitching, fully showing the legs to good flexibility, people began to cut more than fantasy, and if was wrapped around the waist like a pair of legs will be what kind of a ** Duopo! Retreating side of the seven girls, a bunch of the magic of moonlight lighting from the "cliff" on the way down. Shine on the stage, lighting is the one who just Moderator: "Ladies and gentlemen, here is the self-prey show time." He looked all smiles: "I'm sorry, in order to protect the hunting success of predators in the interests of the color, we ** prey body can not ask them give you a look at it. I guarantee adventurers on behalf of the union, they are delicious, after the union of experts carefully tuned taste Satisfaction Guaranteed. Well, after the self-display. that we shot in time. " That a bunch of magic moonlight lights would be less bright. More than a hint of dark blue, toward the side of the floated past. A quick shadow of coming into the light, her tuck a roll on the ground, the body ** buckle, smooth jade back left to the audience; ** a bomb, straight and slender, the hand stays, one leg straight and one bow legs, back to the audience, a round jade ball valve hip, the other one in a line with the **, but not totally incompatible trace of the curve. Melodious music with the classical taste in music, when combined with the possession of such a performance when exposed **, ** there is an indescribable taste. The girl is still with feather masks, just to show convenience, the ear before the two demons that were taken off the pheasant feathers,cheap 2moons dil her body could not roll on the ground time and time again to come forward, every moment in music to ** , the rhythm of the sound of classical music, he seemed to become more forceful ** curves, abdomen and hip, ** uplift, but also collected the girl's waist more slender, and looked from the side, a grip really sincere Ying Ying feeling, people can not help raising an ** torn. These girls are the prey, do not expect that they can in this "game" being found in any good destination for adventurers of all trade unions on their training, there were not

training them how to evoke the sensual male. "Er ah ... ..." light chirping sound, Zheng Ge a side head, next to the name of love that fat is being forced to rub the beauty around him **, fat keeping a close eye on stage, the eyes do not blink moment, his hands immersed in the beauty around and rubbing his chest, a woman's jacket that he had been completely lifted, the inside Xiaoyi already torn, revealing two huge white ball is not in a big fat pair of hands could not changing a variety of shapes. Fat did not care about their women to be seen, his mind was completely on the stage. Music relieve moderate, and girls dance with very perfect. The dance is full of girl power, suggesting a kind of wild indulgence. Music after another pulled up a few highs, forced the girl to come forward straight from the legs, leaving the audience a memorable figure, and then shoved a sideways, thrown from a hair, the body side of the screw, before gently hook the audience fingers. "Bang" a magical fireworks pounced mid-air, against the background of a tree among the Yin-hua, the position will show the girl's body out of the maximum. Top to bottom, starting from the forehead, slide down face, Yu Jing soft shoulders, narrow waist breasts, legs Lianzu repair abundant buttocks ... ... Each girl has her adventurers unions tailored specifically for a dance, a dance. Ge Zheng saw half of the already feel thirsty, take a look around, in addition to Terramere and Victoria, the other people there were not frenzy, eyes wide like a frog, afraid to miss a detail. Ge Zheng did not think the original best place to train a woman to please a man, not a brothel but the risk-takers unions. He quietly asked around Terramere: "What risk-takers can benefit from?" Terramere faint smile: "You will know will stay." Seven girls show different, and some bold action EXILE, is like the Fox family were girls, whole dance, from beginning to end of every movement of a hidden intercourse position, despite the very abstract, but that the presence of not the flowers of a veteran who can not tell. Some dance implicitly hidden, not significant mountain dew, but it makes the blood anger after reading sheets, the total number of small details in the hearts of the devil on the wake. Prey after their self-presentation, the day on top of light lit up, the host once again to come out, gently clapping: "The great, if I were you, I'm afraid I can not wait. Ha ha ha, I to share with you also and I feel the same. so please start below it, or the old rules ... ... "He made a show of hands, please position, slowly back to the stage himself. Seven girls lined up on stage, risk-takers who pushed his car brought the union to props. Ge Zheng probe look, and saw a small cart with a noose, bow and arrow, hunting nets three things. Introduction Terramere said: "a noose one million gold coins, gold coins a bow and arrow five million, ten million gold coins a hunting net. You dig the most money, the last girl is your prey." Ge Zheng those who are ready to see the predators were immediately pulled out Lieyan spar card spot adventurers Union paid millions, tens of millions of gold coins, from small car in exchange for a variety of props, he shook his head: "how the auction earlier than when it comes to positive? "Terramere:" The risk-takers, the annual auction of the General Assembly, trade unions, there are several things people do to buy? " "Call ... ..." a noose around from the Ge Zheng fly up and accurately set in the Fox family of that name girl's neck. So far thrown in the past, that sling, while not heavy, but also pumping the girls neck appeared in a red bruise. Kitsune girl can not help but frowned, the body of a contraction. This action was more aroused male crocodiles are the vices of the audience, countless pairs of flashing light in the eyes fixed on the vices of the platform, a section of the noose is still up. Ge Zheng very strange to them, buy 2moons goldthey even throw so standard. Terramere said: "Those who have been magic noose treatment ... ..." At this stage the young girls are set on each of the neck with three or four noose, the noose Fox tribe girls the most, the neck has seven sets of the noose. "Bang" a black girl alluding to the Fox family. "Ah ----" soon Tonghu, once with her right breast on a piece of blue. The

audience immediately broke into a whistle, then a stasis Zihao want them to hold back the body for a long time That was a trace of venting in general, all the people excited again. An arrow, but that five million coins! When the auction has just pushed around, no one is willing to dig five million gold coins, and now to the game, even without the injection mean five million.


Posts : 86
Join date : 2009-10-26


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