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Double Smash Guide for 2Moons

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Double Smash Guide for 2Moons Empty Double Smash Guide for 2Moons

Post  Admin Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:45 pm

Double Smash Guide for 2Moons
Double Smash can do more than 2800 dmg which is quickest recast time on all skills when you are at some level. With your level(2moons gold) up it will be increase the damage. So you can hard blow, count to 2 then double smash. Double Smash is ready to use again BEFORE Hard Blow.

You can almost fire off 2 Double Smashes for every 1 Hard Blow. AND Double Smash is CHEAP AS HELL on MP, even when fully level(2moons powerleveling). You can do around 5000 dmg with just that one Hard Blow in one Hard Blow cycle.( You can do a Hard Blow, and 2 Double Smashes, in the same amount of time, for a total of around 11K dmg, more than doubling my DPS rate.)

Granted, when more skills become available it is made obsolete in 2Moons, but that isn't until you get level 67. Why be gimp until then? Why slow down your leveling? You have a reset. Use it! Build for you best as a noob, and reset for endgame when you get there.


Posts : 86
Join date : 2009-10-26


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