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Suzaku flying for later casually 12Sky2

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Suzaku flying for later casually 12Sky2 Empty Suzaku flying for later casually 12Sky2

Post  Admin Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:46 am

Single brush plus point :1-40, 4 power live, a strong attack of the monomer skills, high five strange basically can not hit you dead 12sky2 silver but be careful not to play the blame of active attacks, so do not to the maze or hole, there is not suitable for you, you Daguai good in the wild, but is not explosive like a maze cave, then drugs, wild burst you can save a lot of money, the wild burst can not be surface mounted, but you money ah! 40, to wash under it, plus a point three force and two live, in order to survive can only abandon the 12sky2 a small part of the Gold attack the Group brush plus point :1-40, or 2 power of three force and two live live field map of the novice did not take the initiative strange, but the strange distribution is still very intensive, you can take the lead with the group of strange, but be careful not to cited much higher level than you strange, strange attack in this game strong, strange group to pay attention to controlling your blood, do not let your blood less than half a novice map, there will be a maze, the holes and the like place blame, there are active attacks.40, to wash the point of it, live by the three force points will make you poor dead plus point is two force sensitive a live, packed in waiting for you. The next detail is jade leveling and PK when used skills: (skill points corresponding to the martial arts valuesSkills in the order of pre-plus clustering brush and single-brush brush groups: basaltic bombardment, Suzaku flying first to fill, plus Sancai normalized, and then casually. The single brush: early skills Qinglong wrong bone, point to 10-20; Sancai normalized to fill (blue sky With their lives, to fill high skill attack) Suzaku flying for later casually. The five gas Chaoyuan: initial skills, does not require skills upgrading. (To restore strength and vitality) Whirling Dancer Description: as long as the pre-school look like, to the best after 12sky2 Gold fill, because the group into 50 after strange location is a large space, the distance between the strange and the strange, the fill can enhance the leveling efficiency. Volley micro step: learning and not to learn according to their preferences. (You can skip to the building above the schooling like to see the scenery ^ ^) Universe refers Description: PK skills, effective only on the players, useful skills, it is recommended to fill! (However, to fill the premise of ensuring the attack force, it is best to first attack skills to fill!) 5 BI refers to: the universe refers to the contrary, to lift acupuncture, it is recommended to fill (However, to fill the premise of ensuring the attack force, it is best to first attack skills to fill!) Description 6. Sword invincible: the PK skills the Daguai effect is not obvious, it is recommended to fill! (Maximum buy 12sky2 silver coins effect Sancai Guizhen Description: strange group, single brush is very useful skills, it is recommended to fill! (Picture a bit wrong, this is without defense. Increased attack speed and attribute attack power)Suzaku flying Description: strange group of single brush is very useful skills, it is recommended to fill! (Single brush first with God fill coupled with this!)1. Dragon wrong bone Description: 30 previous single attack skills, a single brush, a short pause after the release of skills, but also make strange produce a pause, or back 12sky2 the Gold amount of points, and do not need to fill!Basaltic bombardment Description: Jade group attack skills to fill as soon as possible! Blue sky Death Description: Jade 30 single attack skills, a single brush and PK skills, it is recommended to fill! (The same mistake and Dragon bone has the same advantages and disadvantages.) 4 vortex palm Description: Jade 30 single attack skills, PK skills, the drawback is that the attack power is not high, but the skills to release the pause, suitable for high level players, it is recommended that school, more points of the extra skill points.PVP skills first of all you have to remember that you are a remote attack, not a knife or sword, you can not others go Yingkang the To make use of jade advantage, speed, high dodge, opened to accelerate, and others distance themselves from using your skills to the K, he can not hit you, Shan P, then monomer click Twelve Sky2 Gold skills, the release of after the no pause. Group P, then use the skills of the monomer 3 batter, the shade of the find no one to pay attention to your local high attack, are not careful can be a fatal spike Oh ~ Remember to keep your secondary skills open, especially the sword invincible! Occupational characteristics of jade, remote occupation requires high operating speed, high dodge! Final promptSkills tutor that attack skills only learned basaltic bombardment, like the blue sky lives of the class 30 and above skill books are by Daguai burst. (2) the internal force consumed by the higher level skills more, we can blame the strength to use different levels of skills (skill icons next to the up and down arrow, Twelve Sky2 Gold skill level with this tune, you re-tune the skills needed to have effect on the shortcut bar) The plus point is the attribute points, 1-99 per 1 liter plus 5:00 ,100-112, a 15:00 ,113-145 per liter plus an added 30 points, the 12sky2 the Gold will be more and more.Alternative point type. 1.40 increases the power of agile, 39 wash, wash point of NPC Peak south of the surface of the law enforcement process to dry after washing point high blood low power is more convenient to make a 12sky2 of the Gold. Paragraph 2 of this plus the advantages of point method can guarantee early to do to maximize the savings 12sky2 Gold.40 level leveling is not easy to die in the case of no 12sky2 Gold! to avoid the wash point when the seniortwelvesky2 gold and senior final points targets or to be more blood! drawback is that when you 39 comfortable leveling state about to jump to continuous tonic ability to adapt to, this points to ask you 40 to accumulate a given number of 12sky2 the Gold so that you can buy medicine, leveling when your hands 1:00 to keep pressing the shortcut keys may also be tired, efficiency is not very high! recommended 39 2 2 power 3 Min a live two power of two sensitive, plus 39 wash 2 live a force of three live force me to add up to ensure that the blood of 112 when 10000, if you want more blood can also be the past, more dynamic direction. 2 has been according to the strength, agility plus; this method can be used in the test does not delete files, because of late to a certain series you can buy the prop wash to earn more 12sky2 the Gold, plus the advantages of point of law of course not tired of leveling, save Twelve Sky2 Gold, efficiency can also drawback is playing BOSS may burst dead, in accordance with the proposed anti-BOSS blood count plus blood to ensure that at least die. the PK is also very easy to be seconds! the final analysis this point to the latter part should wash the point we should pay attention to. 3.40 before which, after 40 high-power 1-like blood, early the same province Twelve Sky2 Gold level 40 Colliers strange group of high efficiency, drug types 1 fee, but this points not network card, especially brush Twelve Sky2 Gold and PK also BOSS explosion risk of death, and once your network card a little leveling to kill the BOSS the PK can not. recommended maximum damage on your network, reference BOSS crit points Do not blindly increase the power of your blood at least better than the BOSS critical strike damage high job if someone insist on playing late Colliers do not want to wash point, be careful! I do not want to talk about leveling the PK points! Only one sentence, leveling by the sword, the PK with a knife! 12 you 12sky2 goldare not close to 1.1W blood Twelve Sky2 the Gold, not enough is best not to go to the PK!


Posts : 86
Join date : 2009-10-26


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