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Now the time

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	Now the time Empty Now the time

Post  treebusg Thu May 26, 2011 8:34 pm

Now the time

Now the time of the travail'of the woman clothed with the sun is at an end : Now she hathbrought forth her son ; for this glorious setting up of the kingdom of Christ through the world, is what the church had been in travail for, with such terrible pangs for so many Like as a woman with child that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and crieth out in her pangs ; so have we been in thy sight, O Lord." SeeAnd now the church shall Tory Burch Shoes forget her sorrows, since a man child is born into the world s Now succeed her joyful praise and triumph. Her praises And praise shall not onlythe earth. but also heaven. The church on earth, and the church m heaven, shall both gloriously rejoice and praise God, as with one heart, on that occasion. Without doubt it will be a time of very distinguished joy and praise among the holy prophets and apostles,, and the other saints in heaven r Rev. xvui. Rejoice over eer, tnou neaven ana ve noiv aoosucs ana Tory Burch Flats nrofiets xor voa hath avenged you on her." See how universal these praises hath done it s Shout ye lower parts of the earth s Break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree thereinFor the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel." See what joyful praises are sung to God on this occasion by the universal church in heaven and earth, m the beginning of the th chapter of Revelation. This dispensation is above all preceding ones like c;tirisrs coming to luagment m tnat Tory Burch Outlet it so puts an ena to tne' former state of the world, and introduces the everlastings kingdom of Christ. Now Satan's visible kingdom shall be overtnrown. alter it naa stooct ever since tne ouiiamguabei: ana tne a neavens ana tne oitt eartn snaila greater measure be passed away then than before, and the new heavens and new earth set up in a far more glorious manner than ever oeiore.Thus I have shown how the success of Christ's purchase has been carried on through the times of the afflicted state ofisrs' resurrectionimuchnst is fallen, and Satan's visible kingdom on earth is overthrown. Therefore I come now,Secondly, To show how the success of redemption will be carried on through that space wherein the Christian church shall for the most part be m a state of peace and prosperity.Speak of the prosperous state of the church through the greater part of this period.Of the great apostacy these shall he towards the close dF it i


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-05-26

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