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2moons: on the status of advantages and disadvantages of various occupational PK

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2moons: on the status of advantages and disadvantages of various occupational PK  Empty 2moons: on the status of advantages and disadvantages of various occupational PK

Post  Admin Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:17 pm

Playing the game for so long, is the first2moons gold time to write articles (not well written, encouraged everyone to continue my next). Closer to home, in the present era of plug-flying high-tech, presumably leveling all of us for longer important, storms out of the [color = blue] 2moons gold [/ blue] and the equipment was not so crazy, so hang times of peace has now become, there is no much to say. Mainly talk about the situation in the various occupational PK.

(PK level is here that more than 100 +) Knight: Knight has always been the most professional players, with the [color = blue] 2moons gold [/ blue] is the least of it, the general weapons can hit, they are only [color = blue] buy 2moons dil [/ blue] supplementary bottles of blood on the OK battle, and Knight is now the strongest PK inside job, why most of these two words,

because the Cavaliers have a passion, batter, body care skills advantage of the Holy Spirit, these three skills as long as you reckon plus the time, once the feeling of added time to be over, run away, and added again, the Knights of the high skills attacks, so the rounds down, he still has the shield, and you ......, but on at this stage of the knight, a knight without any spiritual development, are very difficult to second person, double, and giant heavy series,2moons dil really high attack, but did not set one double, and QM, FS play even if you have full anti-(FQ75%, FS at most two-line resistance), a baby with an ice ring, you can only be beaten,

while the spiritual development which is a knight sword and shield + double the power of the largest and second fastest man, the blood of more than a 5000 + can finish second. Of course, other sexual consorts I rarely play, so people do not know the speed of seconds. But the Cavaliers once the enthusiasm, batter, the Holy Spirit, here I do not have, we can imagine. Archer: Archer The tossing countless career proved a truth, as long as the perseverance of the people, can make Archer BT, Archer's PK to physical attacks, high speed, skills against exporting to second person, in addition long-range attacks, Ivy Ling Po's speed advantage, so now's the speed archers seconds faster than the Cavaliers, but the disadvantage is not the

Holy Spirit archers protection, defense is low, will waste a lot of [color = blue] 2moons dil [/ blue] to buy bows and arrows, or soon will be someone to spike. As long as they can not be made dependent upon the skills, you can say who wins and who loses? Wizards: Wizards and archers about this career is not a start all that powerful, very strong late career, the shaman's main attack is two, one is cursed with a curse against the osteoclasts, one with a physical attack madness battle These two skills are connected attack 10, the power is no trivial matter, is basically similar attack, but due to the emergence of the black eye, as long as the curse put on 75 against, basically hard to second to people. Advantages: Skills can not be interrupted, attack high.

Disadvantages: less high-attack skills, there is no circulation of skills led to shaman put out of the two can run around after skill. However, due to be the body of the bug, so difficult to determine the strength of the back. Exorcist: exorcism of this profession is second to knights, archers career, here is the spiritual development that exorcism (we all know where the benevolent), advantage: successful use of the baby's given people the skills to use FQ consumption shield, and then LQ sword seconds shaking people skills.

Disadvantages: Baby can be permanently fixed with two people, 2 very easy to kill the baby, and spend a lot of [color = blue] 2moons gold [/ blue] After the support, we would like, if the higher the level weapon The larger the baby over very quickly,cheap 2moons dil then how do you Kangde Zhu a career high of any attack. And in my previous playing time and a FQ, and his black baby is 5, the same can be permanently fixed me, but now updated after five baby I do not know can not be permanently fixed, so be have studied exorcism.

Master: Master of the profession is happy to sad from a shift in a move because the mainland government, the Master of the Storm to three sections from the four paragraphs, the Master began to sorrow, but still not make the change to become the weakest Master groups, until the winter of 81 Master breath came out the big bug, the Master completely out of the PK stage, plus the emergence of resistant stones (one for each two-line anti-occupation at least), but the Master or survival advantage,

Storm in the three-line attack with Flurry or substantial, do not say here because of the advantages and disadvantages of bug, we would like, if the 81 frozen recovery skills, the Master can use an ice ring gear, ice needle ice, frost 81 Frozen breath, as long as the flexible use of these three skills, running from the fight, even if you are in the high resistance will be slow slow death! Well, the first to write may well written, I hope you forgive me.

The challenge here would like to thank all my brothers inside more, wearing jeans, a madman in one day, super-modern, Magic Qianlong, Kazakhstan could not finish,buy 2moons gold red Yejian Shi, etc.


Posts : 86
Join date : 2009-10-26


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